Hersteller von Maschinen für papierbeschichtete Gipskartonplatten

Entwicklung und Anwendung des neuen Schnellmischers. Ziel der Hochgeschwindigkeitssträngung ist es, die Gipsaufschlämmungszeit zu verkürzen (Mischungsdurchschnitt innerhalb 10 Sekunden), trägt dazu bei, die Liquidität der Gipsschlämme optimal auszunutzen, Sie müssen also keinen Verzögerer hinzufügen. Application of reverse discharging speeds up the pulp out of discharge, and makes gypsum fully flow in the mold. The appearance size of gypsum block has a high precision, ensuring the product quality and accuracy.

Easy to form a complete set. Except the special parts for the production line, the other parts can use the Chinese standard equipment. The quality is controlled in accordance with the ISO9001 strictly. Key electronic components adopt international famous company high quality products, guaranteeing to provide customers high quality, reliable operation of equipment.

The scale of production and the area of the plant is moderate and match the automation and the mechanization of the production line, which is easy to manage.

Less investment and mature production technology. The production cycle is short and easy to guarante the quality of the product.

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